Smart Lab


Smart Lab


Tonic the agency

Scope of Work

UI Design




The Smart Lab system serves a diverse clients in need of efficient admin file management, including internal documents and employee information.

Project Goal

The Smart Lab system is a visually outdated platform. Therefore, it required a contemporary website overhaul. The primary challenge was to craft a fresh and modern interface while accommodating different clients' branding elements such as colors, logos, and homepage images. Maintaining the existing structural framework was crucial due to current prioritization of having the update done quicker. Unfortunately, the UX was not in focus at the moment.


Embarking on the project, I based the work from one of the existing clients, Sonic Healthcare. Initially, I pinpointed pivotal screens and reenvisioned components and elements for a more contemporary feel. Subsequently, I strategically integrated brand-specific colors into the interface. Opting for a pragmatic approach, I decided to focus on the primary color and neutral tones, ensuring seamless adaptation to varying clients.

To accomplish this, I curated two sets of neutral color palettes – a bluish and a greyish spectrum. The selection between these palettes hinged on the individual client's brand identity. For example, after successfully revamping the Sonic Healthcare interface, I applied the design changes to another client's interface, characterized by a dominant green color scheme. The greyish neutral color harmonized seamlessly with their green branding whereas the bluish one matched better to Sonic Healthcare's brand.

Recognizing the cross-client effectiveness of the interface, I took the next step by crafting a comprehensive Design System, ready for hand-off to the development team. This ensured a smooth transition from design to development, enhancing efficiency and maintaining design integrity across the platform.